Brave Your Way To Your Work

A 12-Week Leadership Program for Women Navigating Professional Change

Break free of the shoulds.

Follow your inner guide.

Discover how you already are who you’ve always dreamed you can be.

You’re an ambitious, talented, purpose-driven woman who has been navigating challenge after challenge over the last few years both in your work and at home. Trying to find a balance between raising your family and making time for work.

As you look towards returning to the workforce, you find yourself facing a set of troubling contradictions:

  • You feel you can be a part of the change in the world right now, yet you feel exhausted and overwhelmed and you worry you don’t have enough to give.

  • You love being a mom and you love the professional part of yourself.  And you miss her. You want to bring the professional you back, yet not at the expense of your family. 

  • You’ve experienced your power as a leader before, yet you feel you’ve lost that spark, and may not be able to find it again.

Brave Your Way Back to Your Work is a one-of-kind group coaching program in which you will shift from “I’m burned out and feel that I can’t take on anything else” … to seeing a path for energizing contribution to the world.

From “I feel irrelevant after being out of the workforce and leadership roles” … rediscovering yourself as a powerful leader with one-of-a-kind skills that can create what you dream of. 

From “Following my dreams and the work I feel most compelled to do is selfish” tomy family and my community are better when I’m creating and contributing to a larger vision, dream, and project that I believe in.

The maps to success that you once diligently followed and that helped you to get to where you are may now be what is keeping you from becoming the type of leader, mama, and creative contributor you are called to be.

When you start to discover and listen to your own internal guidance, you’ll start to notice what isn’t yours to take care of or to carry. You’ll connect to internal strengths and find ways of putting them to work in the world.  You’ll feel able, bit by bit, to put down things that are holding you back and start to make choices that serve you and your dreams. You won’t just find your way but brave your way into new possibilities for your life and work. 

I come to the work of coaching deeply impacted by my experiences as a maritime captain and Outward Bound instructor and the powerful metaphors they have to offer all of us.  I have decades of experience taking people into wild places: in the mountains, oceans, and inside themselves. These experiences have shown me that we are all so much more capable than what we think is possible.  

When, more than a decade ago, I found myself unhappy, depressed, and on the verge of dropping out of grad school, I found my way back to myself by relying upon what I call my ‘this’ moments, the moments in my life where I had embodied experiences of what I am capable of. These '‘this’ moments became a core part of my guidance systems to navigate all transitions since. 

I have over 20 years in professional leadership and people development supporting leaders in the business world, hold an MBA, and am an ICF certified coach, trained through New Ventures West. I’ve taught and facilitated Executive Education and entrepreneurship programs at the top ten universities and have coached, led, taught, captained, trained, facilitated, or supported hundreds of clients and students over my career.  

This one-of-a-kind program is an integration of the essential lessons I have learned along the way. I’ll help you remember your ‘this’ moments, use them to reconnect to your internal guidance, and become the leader you know, somewhere within you, you are meant to be.

Program Journey


This first leg of our journey is all about identifying the maps that you follow, often without knowing it. The maps that you were told to follow to be successful professionally, to be an effective mother, to be a good member of society. They are handed to us through explicit instructions or at times without words, through our families, religions, culture, communities, and other places of origin. We pick them up consciously and unconsciously. They keep us busy pursuing, often lead to us feeling burned out as we try to measure up, and are the reasons we stop listening to and going after what we truly want. In this first phase, we discover and name them, notice how they're holding us back, and begin to release ourselves from them.



This part centers around three areas:

  • Your story - remembering and connecting to the moments in your story where you felt most powerful, like yourself, and free - which I call your "this" moments - and learning how to use them to reconnect to your inner guidance.

  • Your body – remembering and learning how to listen to the wisdom within your own self (including the data within your emotions and the felt senses that connect you to the intuition that is present within each of us) even if it is buried. We'll add in the support of practices to build your capacity between sessions when we're together.

  • Your values – naming them and differentiating the ones that truly reflect your values from the ones that you may have been told to hold. You'll use them as waypoints to make decisions about the next steps.



Using what we work on in the course, you'll create a journey plan for the year ahead, guided by the goals and desires you uncover. This plan will serve as the beginning of rewriting your map so that it can better serve you as you move towards your goals, true heading, work, and purpose that are aligned with who you are. By the end of the course, you'll have a deeper connection to yourself, a sense of the path you want to be walking, and a guide that is filled with what you've learned about yourself, along with practices that can help you bring yourself back to your center.

At the end of our six weeks, you will:

  • Discover:

    Discover the unique strengths you hold, and how to leverage them.

  • Attune:

    Attune you to your body’s wisdom and deeper knowing.

  • Feel:

    Feel clearer and more confident in walking your own path.

  • Begin:

    Begin to brave your way into a whole new world of possibilities.

The Next Session

Start date:



Twelve (12) 90-minute group coaching sessions and two (2) 60-minute 1-on-1 sessions.